The United Arab Emirates Ministry of Finance nominates F2 solution for international prize

The Ministry of Finance in the United Arab Emirates has nominated an F2 solution for the global WSIS prize in 2022. The solution supports debt collection, which the Ministry of Finance manages on behalf of the United Arab Emirates.  

WSIS stands for “World Summit on the Information Society” and is a global platform, sponsored by the United Nations. At the General Assembly in 2015, the United Nations agreed that WSIS shall serve as a platform for the purpose of utilizing information technology in connection with the implementation of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

It is the second time that the Ministry of Finance in the United Arab Emirates has nominated a solution for WSIS that is delivered by cBrain. cBrain therefore sees the nomination as a notable recognition of cBrain’s work, and it supports cBrain’s further opportunities in the Emirates.

At the same time, cBrain is pleased that the nomination supports the company’s CSR strategy and work to support the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s).

cBrain leads an offensive CSR strategy with special focus on e.g. SDG 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions. cBrain sees a digital support for the work of public institutions as crucial to the development of strong and transparent democratic institutions, and it constitutes a central element in cBrain’s international growth plan.