cBrain’s SDG Journey

The Sustainable Development Goals are a robust global plan to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. For cBrain, the SDGs have been a welcome collective, global blueprint for the future. We now have a common language for where the global community needs to go.

We believe technology is one of the main vehicles to reach the goals. We understand the critical role technology plays when building a more sustainable society, and we promote sustainability by deploying our software in government institutions across the world. We are also critically aware that the increase in IT systems has a big impact on worldwide energy consumption. This is a challenge. Using standard software and reusing code is one way to significantly reduce energy consumption compared to custom-built software. Understanding the nature of how governments work and applying the right technology to serve their needs has been at the core of cBrain’s business model from the beginning. It is directly linked to how we work with the SDGs. This is reflected in our SDG journey, starting with the digital bureaucracy and SDG 16 that defines the next generation of digital government. It has been a success in the Danish Central Administration, currently ranked the most transparent and digital country in the world and the least corrupt1. Our current SDG journey has taken us closer to how we see our company contributing to the realization of the goals.

Therefore, we are increasingly building software in public-private partnerships (SDG 17), and in this decade of action we are strongly emphasizing SDG 13. This journey is reflected in the illustration below.

F2 Climate Software Solutions