IT Procurement


The solution delivered by cBrain offers a full end-to-end workflow for IT procurement applications stretching from the application in a self-service for a purchase request registration to the support of the case worker in the back office to handle the request. Additionally, the solution provides a digital workflow for the approval process in the organization as well as a flexible approval system for top level executives using iPads.


The solution replaced the old application which included paper-based submissions and approvals, and several systems. The new solution supports the applicant by using pre-defined values and automation in the self-service which in turn leads to better data quality. Further, the workflow provides for storage of data in a single place, automated creation and sending of documents for approval as well as the possibility to extract statistical reports


F2 case management system, three configured F2 checklists (case guides) and the F2 self-service module.

Project time
Project time: approx. 8 months