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Tax fraud and dividend tax refunds


End-to-end solution to manage share dividends returns, with self-service front-end for citizens and companies. Integrating to all national banks (receiving payment statements), and controlling tax returns related to share dividends with extensive AI-type controls.


Better services for citizens and companies. Faster and more efficient processing, while minimizing fraud. Citizens and companies can apply fully digital. All data controlled and stored centrally with full audit trail and log. Case processing supported and controlled digitally, thereby optimizing process time and costs while minimizing fraud.


Fully integrated solution with database, self-service module, user and role access control, case management, records management, communication, management reporting, audit trails and REST-API based integrations.

Project time

Total project time from design to go live: 9 months


F2 CASE | DANISH TAX AUTHORITYcBrain has worked with the Danish tax authority to reduce instances of fraud and error in the processing of dividend tax refunds.


cBrain has worked with the Danish tax authority to reduce instances of fraud and error in the processing of dividend tax refunds.