Urban roof-top gardening (DK)


The national budget provided for grant scheme aimed at co-financing the establishing of urban roof-top gardens in public or privately owned rental buildings in cities with more than 50.000 inhabitants. Projects were to prioritized based on number of citizens living in the building and distance to nearest public park.


The Housing and Planning Agency used the best practice grant management solution in F2.


Urban gardening, biodiversity

National budget

Grants management, automation

The application self-service ensures that only seemingly eligible applications are received and automatically registers a case in the system.

An assessment of the case – including potentially automated request for more information – leads to a decision to approve or reject.

If approved the application is listed in the aggregated grants case to be prioritized in competition with other approved applications on the list.

After prioritization based on the criteria mentioned above a review is conducted of the approved cases and applicants receive their answer and a link to a new self-service. At the same time a reservation is made in the governments shared ERP-system (Navision).

Applicants who have received grants need to apply for commencement approval before the establishment of the urban garden takes place. This is done through a self-service accessed by the unique link already sent out where additional information is uploaded. The applicant is reminded of the commencement application if none is received within 5 months.

When commencement is approved, a payment case flow is ignited automatically. If a case is cancelled or refused after initial approval the reservation in the accounting system is automatically cancelled.


The solution was delivered in 12 weeks and allowed the agency to receive and process applications on this completely new grants scheme within the timeframe of the fiscal year even though the implementation of the solution did not start until mid-year.

F2 Climate Software Solutions