cBrain Wins Climate Advisory Task in California

cBrain has entered into an agreement with a public authority in California. cBrain is to advise the authority on the digitization of the authority's processes in connection with CO2 capture (“Carbon Farming”) in order to reduce the CO2 footprint in the state.

The consulting project in California draws on cBrain's expertise as a supplier of digital solutions to the public sector, as well as the specialist knowledge about digitization in the environmental field, which cBrain i.a. has built up as a supplier to the Danish Environmental Protection Agency.

The agreement in California is important to cBrain. The agreement supports cBrain's investment in climate software exports, and at the same time it supports cBrain's entry into the US market.

Denmark is a leader internationally, both in relation to digitization and climate. Over the past 4 years, Denmark has ranked number 1 on the United Nations' global E-government list, just as Denmark is at the top of the international lists in relation to climate efforts. 

As a supplier to the Danish Environmental Protection Agency, cBrain has built up expertise and a broad portfolio of F2-based solutions, which support the authorities' work in relation to implementing climate efforts.

cBrain calls this type of solution “climate software”. By supporting the rapid digitization of government processes, cBrain can contribute to climate efforts, including both nature restoration and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, and climate software for authorities is a key element in cBrain's growth and export strategy.

Last year, cBrain won a project in South America, where cBrain, like in California, was to advise on the digitization of regulatory processes in the climate field. In continuation of this, cBrain was able to announce this summer an agreement where cBrain will provide a solution to the authorities in Guyana that supports monitoring and regulation of international trade in endangered wild animals and plants in the Amazon rainforest.

cBrain therefore welcomes the agreement in California. The agreement substantiates that Danish experience in public digitization and climate can be exported and reused. At the same time, of course, cBrain hopes that the agreement in California, as in South America, can lead to more agreements.